Welcome to our family blog! We will use this space to post updates as the birth of our first baby grows closer and closer. After he is born, we will post updates and lots of photos of our little Noah. Keep up with us as our family grows!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

2nd Food= Avocado!

Our second foray into baby food making and for Noah, eating, was avocado! Seems like a weird thing to give a baby to me but is actually quite a good choice. It is mushy and takes minimal prep time. It's a fruit and has lots of good nutrients. I am not the biggest fan but I would really like to expose Noah to all sorts of foods so he will be a good eater (I hope!).

While sweet potato received a lukewarm reception, Noah LOVED avocado! I feel like he is actually eating it now while the sweet potato mostly ended up on his clothes via his bib and hands. We will keep trying with the sweet potato but clearly avocado is a keeper!

What is this??

Wow, this is better than the last thing they gave me...

Hey! That was awesome!

Give me more now!!! (crazy avocado face)

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