Welcome to our family blog! We will use this space to post updates as the birth of our first baby grows closer and closer. After he is born, we will post updates and lots of photos of our little Noah. Keep up with us as our family grows!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

we have grabbing!!

Noah grabbed onto a toy on his activity mat for the first time today! He has so much fun playing on the mat and I can really see progress from when he first started playing there. At first it was just laying but now he really plays! Proud mama today!

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Monday, January 30, 2012

6 weeks old!

Yesterday marked 6 weeks since Noah was born. I can hardly believe it! 6 weeks of anything else seems so long but 6 weeks of being a mom and spending time with such an adorable bundle of cuteness has really flown by.

Noah really has a personality now. He smiles and laughs all the time now. He loves changing time and he just lays on his mat and giggles and smiles at us. He giggles more if he is naked. He is sleeping great, usually up only once in the middle of the night and then once early in the morning around 5AM. If he goes to bed earlier then he might be up twice but usually still sleeps for about 3 hours in between waking up. He also has moved into his crib from the play pen in our bedroom and has been sleeping like a trooper in his cute nursery.

Here are some pics from my phone from recently to show how much Noah is changing everyday. Our little boy is growing up so fast!

So handsome!

Mommy's little guy

So many smiles!!
Noah and Nanny (and baby Uggs)

Just Hatched Cute-A-Saurus
Soooo sleepy...

Walking with Daddy in the Ergo (more like sleeping in the Ergo...)

So grown up!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Growing Big & Strong!

Noah and I had an adventure to the Dr. today! We broke out the Ergo carrier for the very first time and it was great. He protested at first but fell asleep almost as soon as I started walking. We took at pit stop so Noah could see everyone's least favorite place in Davis Sq, the Traffic and Parking Office, so Mommy and Daddy's car could have new permits. Then on to the Dr!

Noah now weights 11 lbs. 2. oz, gaining not quite a whole pound in 2 weeks. He is 22.5 inches long/tall, growing a whole inch in 2 weeks! He is in the 80th percentile for weight and 92nd for height!!

On the walk home, Noah was wide awake and looking around from his comfy spot against my chest in his Ergo. Apart from a giggle or a noise of discontent when the sun shined in his eyes, he was quiet the whole time just taking in the sights on our walk. He is now fast asleep.

The Hardest Part of Late Night Feedings- Surround Snore

Now, one might think that the hardest part of getting up at night is just that, getting up at night. But that is not true in this house. I am pretty used to that right now. No, there is something else that throws a wrench in my schedule.

Noah's schedule looks kinda like this (though it varies):

-11/11:30-eat and bed
-2:30-ish- change and eat
-3-ish- back to bed
-5:30-ish- Jake changes and feeds him a bottle
-7- back to bed
-8- up for the day/change/eat

Last night he ate around 10:30 and was out for the night. I woke up with a jolt around 2 and to my shock he was still fast asleep in the bouncer next to my bed (he has been sleeping there because of his cold). I thought, well if he wants to sleep then who am I to stop him. I tried to go back to sleep but then it happened- the SURROUND SNORE.

Surround Snore is what I have decided to call the phenomenon of having snoring on all sides of me, thus keeping me from going back to sleep. Jake was snoring to my left (epically last night, might I add), Noah is cutely snoring to my right and even the cats are in the game snoring at my feet. There was no way I was getting back to sleep.

By the time it was 3AM, Noah was still sleeping but I couldn't deal with the noise anymore and got him up to eat anyway. Frankly when you are breast feeding, eating on a regular schedule is as much for mom as it is for baby because A) it hurts like hell if you don't and B) it ruins your supply to skip a feeding. If I was able to go back to sleep I would have let it go, despite reasons A and B but it was impossible to sleep.

When we returned to bed, miracle of all miracles, the snoring had subsided enough to go back to sleep at 3:30 but by then I had lost 90 mins instead of 30. This is why I need an afternoon nap every day. Maybe I check AmazonMom for breathe right strips....

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

1 Month Old!

Today Noah is 1 month old!! That is so crazy to me. It is strange, it seems like just yesterday he was put on my chest and looked at me for the first time, blinking because of the bright hospital lights. At the same time, it feels like he has been here all the time and I can't really remember what it was like without him.

New stuff:
Noah has been dealing with his first cold this week. Booooo! He is so sad about it too. He is so stuffed up and snifflly that he wheezes when he breathes and coughs because of the drip. He especially hates when I try to use that bulb from the hospital to suck out his snot... that is way not fun for him. Luckily, he hasn't had a fever, just the snot so he hasn't had to go see the Dr. yet...

Tomorrow he WILL in fact go see the Dr. because it is his 1 month check up. I will be sure to post how chunky he has gotten. At his 2 week appointment he was already 10lbs. 6 oz so he must be at least 11 if not 12 lbs by now! Oh my chunky baby...

This week Noah also started playing on his activity mat. He likes it a lot which is really great because I can lay him on it and make a sandwich now and then. He especially likes looking at himself in the mirror attached. I guess he knows how adorable he is!

Here are some recent cell phone pics of HRC (His Royal Cuteness) to celebrate his 1 month "birthday".

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Fashionable Baby

Just a random post of Noah in some of his cute outfits that I have taken pics of on my cell phone. There isn't much else new to report, he still does all of the things a newborn does; eat, sleep, get changed, sometimes have a bath, eat some more, sleep some more etc. etc. He is totally developing a personality though and seems to smile and laugh a lot even though I am not sure what is so amusing.
Nap time in an adorable giraffe themed crawler

Pensive in terrycloth "I <3 Mommy" pjs

Model pose in a thermal train themed romper

Even cute at bath time in a froggie towel

Baby Gap model! Simple and chic.
Polar Bear hat from Etsy and the epic pout face.

Can't really see his outfit but he is just adorable...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

3 weeks old!

Noah is 3 weeks old today! At his Dr. appointment the other day he weighed in at 10.6lbs! That is up 1.6 lbs since birth. He is such a cute little chunk :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

There's a First Time for Everything...

Noah has been experiencing a lot of "firsts" lately. It makes sense, since he is only 3 weeks old (tomorrow!) a lot of activities are his first time! Here are a bunch of photos of some of his more memorable "firsts"

Getting ready for my first walk!

Out with our awesome stroller for the first time!

First visit to Davis Sq! We had Crepes at Mr. Crepe.

First time in the Sleepywrap

First time (of many many many times) wearing Red Sox gear

First bath in the kitchen sink (I loved it!)

Wearing my super cute shark towel/robe. Theeeeen I peed on it.