Welcome to our family blog! We will use this space to post updates as the birth of our first baby grows closer and closer. After he is born, we will post updates and lots of photos of our little Noah. Keep up with us as our family grows!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A Special Anniversary

On April 5, 2011 our lives changed when the Dr. called and told me that we were having a baby. I was stunned. You would think that after going through ferility treatments that it would be somewhat expected but I was surprised.

After going through a second round of the hormonal medication Clomid and an Ovidrel injection to try to overcome my PCOS I waited and waited to find out the results. Then I broke the cardinal rule of the fertility clinic, I tested myself at home. I had an appointment for a blood test on a Tuesday morning but decided to take a home test on the Sunday before. It came back negative and I was crushed. I drown my sorrows in a large plate of pasta that night and became angry and depressed. Why wasn't it working? When, if ever, would it work?

When Tuesday morning came along I was in no mood to go to the clinic at 7 AM for a blood test that I was sure would be negative. I went and wrote a bunch of questions on my call back card. When will we try a higher dose? For how long do we try this protocol before moving on to something stronger? What is next? I went to work heavy hearted, dreading the phone call that was to come later.

When the call came, I was in my office. Here we go, I thought. I probably did not sound very nice as the nurse greeted me but I think it would be understandable. She started to tell me results. "Well I would be happy to answer your questions but really they don't matter because you are pregnant!" WHAT? I must have asked her if she was sure abut a dozen times. I really couldn't have been more surprised.

I went outside to call Jake and he was dumbfounded. On my way home I bought 2 boxes of pregnancy tests, the good expensive digital kind and took one as soon as i walked in the door. PREGNANT. And so started the best year of my life so far...

Lesson learned- never cheap out on a pregnancy test. The negative one was a generic brand and probably wasn't equipped  for early testing. Pregnancy testing is not a place for savings!


  1. Thanks for sharing more about your anniversary and congratulations again! I wanted to add a medical thought regarding your first urine pregnancy test. Your negative result may not have been due to a faulty test. Pregnancy tests detect Beta HCG, which is released into mom's blood after the embryo implants. It takes 9 to 11 days for a qualitative Beta HCG to be positive in the blood, and about 14 days for a positive urine test. The time varies depending when embryo implantation occurs. In other words, any qualitative urine test you took before April 4th probably should have been negative because there was not enough Beta HCG in your urine for detection. Maybe cheaper, non-digital tests are not worse after all? Glad you're sharing your memory of such a special day.
